
Spend Your Holiday with The Ones You Love Most

Holiday is upon us once again and we bet you are already planning some great activities. What makes these activities fun and creates lasting memories is the company we are in, so be sure to include your best friends and family members.

Spending time with these people is more than just for fun, it’s for community and relationship building, as well as personal growth. By this, we mean that by spending plenty of quality time together, keeping each other distracted in fun and games, you’re avoiding as much negative energy as you can. You begin to create goals for yourself and with your pals. You will want to repeat these days of enjoyment. You begin to grow the value of your happiness and overall life. You do not want to let this elevated feeling fall.

So, spend your Holiday with the ones you love most, and you will get the most out of it, in the short and long term. You will see.

However, if for some odd reason you do run into some legal trouble and your positive spirit is shaken, do not worry! Call Memphis Bail Bonds at (615)544-0000. We will bail you out of jail so that you can soon be reunited with your friends and family. Once we get you out, you all can begin to regroup and refocus and help you excel to where you need to be once again.


We Offer a 24-Hour Bail Bonds Help in Memphis, TN

No matter what hour of the day it is, if you need a professional to help you and your family bail someone out of jail, Memphis Bail Bonds is the company you need to call. We has over 150 agents and representatives all around Tennessee who are available to assist you 24/7. This includes holidays.

We believe in the right to bail and that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. For that reason, we keep our doors and lines open all the time. Just because someone might be arrested at 1 AM doesn’t mean they should have to wait in jail until 8 AM to be able to call us. Likewise, if someone is arrested on Labor Day, they shouldn’t have to wait in jail until the next business day to be able to bail out of jail. The police force does not have hours they are closed so neither do we. It’s not fair to keep someone in jail – we can and will speedily help bail them out!

Some of the benefits that we provide for our clients include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount
  • Phone approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral with a working signer
  • Se Habla Español

To make an appointment with Memphis Bail Bonds, please call (615)544-0000.


How to Get Bailed Out of Jail Quickly In Memphis

No one wants to sit in a jail cell longer than necessary. The longer you’re locked up, the larger the financial, emotional, and even mental toll the experience takes on you. The good news is that there are some things you can do that will help speed up the bail bond process.

Stay Calm, Cool, and Collected

The worst thing you can do after being arrested is lose your temper. Not only will throwing a fit not accomplish anything, but it can also make the situation worse. It’s not unheard of for a fit of temper to result in a person getting charged with additional crimes after they’ve been arrested. These additional charges delay the process and can result in your bail becoming even higher or even getting denied altogether.

Let Others Know What Happened

Many people try to hide their predicament from others, but in the long run, this is a mistake. Letting your loved ones know what has happened is in your best interest. Not only can they make sure that everyone close is aware of the situation, but they can also start to see if collecting enough money to post your bail is possible.

Reach Out to Memphis Bail Bonds

We have several decades’ worth of experience helping people just like yourself. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can help you set up a payment plan, approve your collateral, and connect with a co-signer. The sooner this is done, the sooner we can post the bail bond and release you from jail.

Another thing that helps speed up the process is having some critical information that we require on hand when you first contact us.

To start the bail bond process, we need the following things:

  • Your legal name
  • Date of birth
  • List charges you’re facing
  • What jail you’re being held at
  • Your inmate/booking number
  • The bail amount

The reasons you should contact Memphis Bail Bonds include the following:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • 20% Discount for veterans
  • Phone/online approvals
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral is required for working signers

Consultations are always free. Simply call (615)544-0000 for additional information.


How to Keep Your Life on Track While You’re Out on Bail

Just because you have been released from jail on a bail bond doesn’t mean you’re life will go back to being completely normal. You’ve only been released from jail. Official criminal charges against you will still impact your living over the next few months. You must keep your life on track and organized until your legal matters have been settled.

Here are a few tips that will help you keep your life on track while you’re out on bail.

Review any Restrictions Connected to Your Bail

If you have only been charged with minor crimes, likely, there aren’t any real restrictions connected to your bail. However, if the charges are more serious, the judge probably laid out some rules you must follow if you don’t want your bail revoked. Take some time to review these restrictions and make sure you fully understand how they will impact your day-to-day life.

Let Your Employer Know About Your Situation

Many people hope to hide the news that they’ve been arrested from their employer, but that isn’t always a good idea. First, information about who has been charged with what is readily available in local and online papers. If your employer frequently checks police records or county information, they will likely learn about your charges. It’s far better that they get the news from you.

The second issue is that there will be mandatory court dates in your future; it’s important for your employer to understand why you need those upcoming times off.

Arrange Your Finances so That you Have Budgeted for Bail Bond Payments.

If you signed up for Memphis Bail Bonds zero-down, zero-interest payment plan, you will want to sit down with your normal budget and figure out how to incorporate the regular payments into your budget.

Record Court Date Onto Your Calendar

The most important rule connected to being bailed out of jail is that you must attend all of your mandatory court dates. Don’t assume that you don’t have to go just because it’s something only your lawyer will speak about; you still do. Failing to appear at any mandatory court dates results in the automatic revocation of your bail.

In addition to knowing your court dates, make sure you take some time beforehand to arrange for reliable transportation.

The services our clients enjoy include the following:

  • 20% discounts for some applicants
  • Zero worry about hidden fees
  • Zero-down bail bond
  • Zero-interest bail bond
  • Flexible payment plans
  • Simple contracts
  • 24/7 service
  • Phone consultations
  • Online consultations

To learn more about bail, call (615)544-0000. Free consultations are available 24/7!

bail out of jail in memphis

What to Tell Your Employer When You’re Arrested?

One of the first things you must consider when dealing with an employer and an arrest issue is that Tennessee is an at-will-employment state. This means employers have the right to terminate an employee’s employment status for any reason, including getting arrested. The state’s at-will employment status also means that the employer can terminate the employer/employee relationship without warning.

While this might seem like a one-sided situation, you should also know that by being an at-will employment state, employees are allowed to strike, quit, or refuse to work for any reason without advanced warning. It’s also important to note that even though the state is an at-will state, you can still file a wrongful termination lawsuit if you feel their reason for letting you go is an example of wrongful termination.

Reporting An Arrest

Depending on your job type and the charges you were arrested for, you may be required to report the arrest to your employer. Examples include individuals who drive as part of their job and are arrested for a DUI. In addition, certain types of employment and assault charges would also require reporting.

Just because you don’t see how your arrest would impact your employer doesn’t mean you shouldn’t report it. Your employer should learn the news directly from you rather than from another source. It’s possible that your employer could have something in their code of conduct that requires you to report any legal trouble you find yourself in officially.

Another reason to let your employer know about your arrest is so that they will understand if you miss a shift. Depending on your employer, they may even be willing to help you out with bail so that they don’t have to worry about covering your work shift.

Memphis Bail Bonds Can Bail You Quickly

One of the best ways to get quickly bailed out of jail and make sure you don’t miss any work is connecting with Memphis Bail Bonds. We have served the Tennessee community for several decades and know how to swiftly approve a bail bond and how to post that bail bond so that you’re released as efficiently as possible.

Our speed and experience are just one of the many reasons you should contact us if you’ve been arrested and want to be bailed out before your employer finds out. Additional reasons to connect with us include the following:

Do you have questions about Tennessee’s bail bonds program? Call (615) 544 0000 for answers.

memphis bail bonds

Dealing with Payment Plans Is Easy with Memphis Bail Bonds

Payment plans are pretty great. They break up the large cost of something and spread it out over a set amount of time. This makes it easier for a person to afford whatever the item is. However, they can add a bit of worry for some people. People may worry about missing a payment, and wonder what will happen then.

This is especially true when it comes to bail bonds. Many people are terrified of missing a payment, because it can mean more than just losing the money for the bond. Missed payments are a common concern for our clients here at Memphis Bail Bonds. Luckily, they don’t have to be a big, world ending deal.

If a client suspects that they might be late on a payment, they should let their bail agent know right away. Here at Memphis Bail Bonds, we are more than capable of working with our clients on their payments. We know that surprises happen, and you may not have the money for a payment one month. We also know that things changes, and what might have been affordable a few months ago, might be too much now. We can rework the payment plan to better fit your needs. This only works though if you talk with your bail agent.

Memphis Bail Bonds Works With Your Budget

If a person doesn’t talk with their bail agent about missing a payment, when the payment is missed, their agent will try to contact them right away. If the agent can get in touch with their client, they can figure out how to proceed together. If no contact can be made, then that is typically when a bounty hunter gets involved to bring the person back into police custody.

Making payments might be difficult with other bail bond companies, but not with Memphis Bail Bonds. All of our payment plans are designed with our clients and their unique budgets in mind. If a client runs into a bit of trouble with their payments, they can talk to an agent ahead of missing a payment to prevent anything bad from happening.

Do you need bail? Contact Memphis Bail Bonds. We’re a family-owned bail bonds business that has been serving the area for several decades. Our top-rated services include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • Online payments
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • Phone approvals
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral for working signers
  • Free consultations with a bail bonds expert

At Memphis Bail Bonds, our bail agents are available 24/7 when you call (615) 544 0000 or click Chat With Us now.

memphis bail bonds

What Is the Booking Process Like?

When it comes to arrests and bail, most people have a lot questions. For instance, many people wonder what happens when a person is arrested. They often expect the arrest to happen quickly, however that is rarely the case. There is a whole process to booking someone into jail and it usually takes some time to complete.

The booking process proceeds as follows:

    1. Information is recorded. When a person is brought into a police station, their information is recorded. This includes things such as why the person was arrested, as well as their name, birthday, and home address.

    2. Picture time. Next the person’s mug shot is taken. The picture is important for identifying two different people who may share the same name. The mugshot also establishes the person’s physical condition at the time of arrest

    3. Fingers get dirty. After that, fingerprints are taken. These are typically entered into the national database maintained by the FBI.

    4. Belongings are confiscated. After the mugshot, officers will confiscate anything that is on the person, which can include clothes, which will be replaced with an orange jumpsuit. This also includes a full-body search to ensure that no contraband enters the jail. Any belongings taken from the arrested individual will be returned when the person is released, provided the item wasn’t contraband.

    5. In for anything else? As the all the other stuff is going on, someone else will use the given information to check for any warrants out for the person’s arrest. If a person does have other warrants out for their arrest, they likely won’t be given bail.

    6. Time for a checkup. Next comes a health checkup to make sure the person is healthy and not bringing any diseases into the jail. A DNA sample may be taken and added to the national database.

    7. Play well with others? Lastly, officers will make sure that the arrested person won’t cause trouble in the jail. This is done by asking if the person has ever had any gang affiliations, or other outside relationships, that might pose a problem with other inmates.

Memphis Bail Bonds Can Help You With Bail

There are a lot of steps to booking someone into jail, and not every station does them in the same exact order. On top of that, different stations are dealing with more arrests than others. This means that the booking process can be done in under an hour at some stations, but take several at others. It all depends on when and where the person was arrested.

Once a person has been booked in, they may be given a bail amount. Once that happens, Memphis Bail Bonds can help you bail that person out of jail. All you have to do to get started is talk to one of our bail agents. They will help you with the bail and answer all of your questions about the bail process.

Do you need bail? Contact Memphis Bail Bonds. We’re a family-owned bail bonds business that has been serving the area for several decades. Our top-rated services include:

  • 24/7 Bail bond service
  • Online payments
  • 0% Interest payment plans
  • Phone approvals
  • No hidden fees
  • No collateral for working signers
  • Free consultations with a bail bonds expert

You can talk to an agent for free at any time, just call (615) 544 0000 or click Chat With Us now.

memphis bail bonds

What Happens if You’re Summoned to Appear as a Witness in a Trial

It doesn’t matter if the prosecution or the defense thinks you’re a valuable witness, the process is the same for both sides. The first thing they will do is officially summon you to appear. This is done through a formal process in which a court representative hands you the information about how you’re required to appear in court.

Your own opinion on the case and judicial process aren’t relevant. As soon as the summons has been handed to you, you’re required to show up. Failing to do so will result in your being charged with contempt of court. Depending on the case and the mood of the prosecution/judge, it’s possible that a warrant will be sworn out for your arrest and you’ll spend some time in jail.

When you do honor the summons and appear in court on the appointed day, you will report to the court officer who will tell you where to go. If you’re lucky, you won’t have to wait long before it’s your turn to testify, however in many cases, you’ll find yourself waiting for a few hours and might even have to come back to court on a different day.

At this point, it’s extremely important that you don’t talk to anyone about the case. The reason for this is simple, you don’t want the conversation to alter your direct memories about the case or the person you’re testifying about.

When you’re called to testify, you’ll be sworn in. As soon as that’s completed, both the prosecution and the defense will ask you a series of questions that pertain to the case. It’s extremely important that you answer each question as honestly as possible. Not only will lying jeopardize the case, but if you’re caught deliberately lying, you’ll be charged with perjury and arrested.

Once you’re done testifying you usually have the option of either remaining in the courtroom and watching the remainder of the trial or going home. The one exception to this is if either the prosecutor or the defense expresses interest in recalling you, in which case you’ll go back to playing a waiting game until they either recall you or formally announce that they no longer require any additional testimony from you.

Have you ever had to serve as a witness during a court trial? How did it go?

memphis bail bonds

The Benefits of Hiring a Good Criminal Defense Attorney

One of the biggest decisions you have to make after you’ve been charged with a crime is deciding if you should hire a private criminal defense attorney or if you should take advantage of a public defender.

The correct answer is going to vary from one person to another. That being said, there are several reasons why paying a good criminal defense attorney may be the best choice for you.

Criminal Defense Attorney Aren’t as Overworked as Public Defenders

The typical public defender has a great deal on their plate. While they care about their clients, they simply don’t have the time needed to give each case as much individualized attention as they should get. While good criminal defense attorneys are also busy, they have more time available to them to not only investigate the charges you’re facing and to scrutinize every single aspect of the police investigation, but they are also going to take the time to get to know you.

The Reputation of the Criminal Defense Attorney Depends on the Outcome of Your Case

Criminal defense attorneys know that they won’t win every single case, but they also know that the more favorably your case goes, the easier it will be for them to acquire good clients in the future. Criminal defense lawyers depend on having a winning record which is why they work extremely hard to make sure your case is perfectly handled. They will do everything in their power to make sure you get the justice you deserve.

It’s estimated that public defenders only win about 15% of the cases they take on. When you look at the typical stats of a good criminal lawyer in your area, you’ll notice that their win-to-loss ratio is usually significantly better.

Criminal Defense Attorneys Have Many Resources

When it comes to available resources, public defenders simply can’t compare to private criminal defense lawyers. The private lawyer has the resources available to hire private investigators, explore the possibility of expert witnesses, and take other avenues of defense that a public defender simply doesn’t have access to.

If your case goes to trial, having these resources at your disposal can have a major impact on the jury and could potentially be the difference between a not guilty and a guilty verdict.

If you are facing minor charges, you’ll likely be fine with a public defender, but for serious charges, many find that they are more comfortable when they have a private criminal defense attorney in their corner.


Even People Who Can Afford Cash Bail Use Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are an alternative means to bailing out of jail. Understandably, this can be seen as a “poor man’s” option for bail because it is significantly “cheaper” and bail is always so expensive. But the truth of the matter is that literally, anyone can and does use bail bonds – even the wealthiest.

Aside from the lowered cost, many people opt for the bail bond route because it’s more convenient for them. When paying cash bail, they need to pay the entire bail amount before the defendant can be released from jail. That’s challenging. But when using a bail bond, a payment system is set up so that the defendant can be released from jail, and then he or she (or those on his or her behalf) will continue to make payments on the bail bond.

Learn more about the differences between cash bail and bail bonds, and see how bail bonds can be the better fit for you! Connect with one of the agents at Memphis Bail Bonds by chatting with them online or talking with them over the phone! Call (615)544-0000 today!