
Can I do Anything I Want While I’m Out on Bail?

We frequently run into clients who mistakenly assume that they are free to do whatever they want while they are out on a bail bond.

While it’s true that the bail bond does give you more freedom than you’d enjoy if you’re locked in a jail cell, there are some rules connected to your bail bond that might put a cramp in your lifestyle.

If you’re a naturally quiet person who rarely does anything wrong, it’s unlikely that being out on a bail bond will have much of an impact on your life. However, if you’re someone who frequently crosses the law or that enjoys a wild and rowdy lifestyle, following the rules connected to your bail bond might take some serious life adjustments.

One of the big things that all people are told when they are released on a bail bond is that they have to obey every single law. Violating anything will likely result in you being arrested again. When you’re out on bail, you need to commit yourself to being a perfect upstanding citizen. Even being spotted at the scene of a crime is enough to convince the judge to revoke your bail.

Avoid drugs and alcohol while you’re out on a bail bond. Depending on the charges filed against you, it’s possible that the judge will make random drug testing and alcohol testing a condition of your release. If one of these tests comes back positive for drug or alcohol use, you’ll be arrested and possibly held without bail.

Even if nothing is said about random testing, commit yourself to staying sober until the resolution of your case. Taking drugs or consuming alcohol impairs your judgment and impulse control. The last thing you need right now is to get into any type of drug or alcohol-related trouble.

Drugs and alcohol aren’t the only things you’ll have to avoid while you’re out on a bail bond. You won’t be able to associate with anyone who is connected to the case, especially if they are someone the prosecution wants to call as a witness. In some situations, this might mean that you’ll have to find somewhere else to live while you wait for your case’s resolution. In addition to anyone connected to the case, you aren’t allowed to associate with known criminal elements while you’re out on bail.

It’s highly likely that you’ll be restricted to a limited geographical area while you’re out on bail. You also might be required to follow a strict curfew.

For more information regarding the bail bond program call (615)544 0000.


Social Media and Your Mental Health

Social media is a bit of a double-edged sword. For some people, it’s a great resource that allows them to stay connected to loved ones while also breaking up the tedium of a day. Others find social media stressful and even claim that it’s causing mental health problems.

The positive side of social media is:

  • It’s something you can do on your own schedule which increases the odds of actually connecting with people you care about but who live too far away or have too different a lifestyle to make traditional connections possible
  • It can make you feel less alone in the world
  • Social media allows you to connect with people who share your passions and interests, no matter how obscure your tastes might be
  • You can make great friends through social media connections
  • Social media can sometimes push you to take on new challenges

Not everyone has a positive experience when it comes to social media. Many of the downsides people have encountered while using social media include:

  • Feeling insecure because friends are always sharing their triumphs (but rarely post about the struggles they had before finally succeeding)
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Finding that they are becoming increasingly combative when they encounter someone who has a different opinion
  • Getting bullied
  • Losing track of time because they were on social media
  • Discovering that social media is consuming their life

Most experts agree that it doesn’t matter if your experiences with social media are good or bad, it’s in your best interest to set limits and not spend all of your free time on various social media platforms. Make sure you put down your phone or step away from your computer. Messages, posts, and comments will all be there when you log back in.

Taking time away from social media channels gives you a chance to remember that there is a great deal more to life than staying in touch with people via social media. Use this time to enjoy some face-to-face time with your loved ones. Get outside and breathe in some fresh air. Read a book or simply spend an hour vegged out in front of the television. You’ll be surprised by how much better you feel after spending some time away from the constant drama of social media.

If you are the type of person who loses track of time when you are online, set an alarm and log off your social media accounts each time it goes off. If you can’t simply ignore the allure of social media, remove the apps from your phone so that you can only log into your accounts when you’re on your computer or tablet.

In addition to limiting the amount of time you’re on social media during the day, schedule a few days a month where you don’t go near your social media accounts. You can use these social media free periods to access your mental and emotional health and really decide if social media is making your life better or slowly harming your mental health.


Preventing Porch Piracy

You may not be familiar with the term “porch pirates” but it’s a pretty good bet that either you or someone you are close to has been a victim of one.

A porch pirate is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a term that refers to someone who spots a delivery package on your porch or near your front door. Rather than ignore the recent delivery, they walk up to your front door and take it for themselves. Once they’re safely away from your home, they’ll open the package, if it’s something valuable they’ll either keep the item or sell it. If it’s not something they’re interested in, they’ll throw it away. Either way, you’re the one who loses out.

The increasing dependency on online shopping and delivery services has driven porch piracy incidents to all-time highs. According to Finder, 14% of Americans are victims of porch piracy during a twelve-month period. That means 35.5 million people have a package snatched from their homes. The estimated value of each incident is $156.82.

The good news is that you can take some steps to prevent yourself from being a local porch pirate’s next victim.

Take Advantage of Tracking Notifications

Most online businesses provide free online tracking for your packages. You’ll want to utilize these. You can often set the system up so you a text is sent directly to your phone. In some cases, you’ll see approximately what time the package is scheduled to arrive and even how many stops before the driver is at your door.

If you’re home, you can use this information to meet the delivery at your door. If you’re not home, you can see if a neighbor, or another trusted person, can pick up your package before it’s noticed by a passing porch pirate.

Have the Package Held at a Different Location

If you’re concerned about a package being stolen, see if the delivery service has an option that lets you have the package delivered to a local drop-off point. More shipping companies have started doing this in an effort to limit liability and cost issues connected to porch piracy. In most cases, a local business serves as a drop-off point. They hold the package until you’re able to fetch it.

Consider a Lockbox

A lockbox is a great way to deter porch pirates. You can install the mailbox in an area that’s easily accessed by delivery drivers. They deposit the package into the lockbox which hides the delivery until you get home.

Security Cameras

Security cameras and doorbell security cameras are becoming increasingly more affordable for the average person. They are also a great way to deter porch pirates. If someone does try to sneak on your porch and steal one of your packages, you can turn the footage of the porch pirate to the police who may be able to identify the person so you can press charges. Even if the police can’t get an identity from the video footage, they will learn the approximate time that the porch pirate operates in your area and may be able to arrange to have a patrol car in the area so they can arrest the thief red-handed.

What steps have you taken to deter porch pirates?


Cycling Under the Influence

We hear a great deal about the dangers of drinking and driving. We understand that a single DUI can have a horrible, long-term impact on our lives. As a result, many of us take steps to avoid even the possibility of getting behind the wheel if we think there’s a chance we’ll have a little too much to drink while we’re out on the town.

One of the ways many of us try to avoid a potential DUI charge is hopping on our bicycle and riding it to the nearest bar. We figure that since we’re not even bringing our car, we can drink as much as we want and cycle home later without having to worry about getting arrested.

The only problem with this plan is that if you’re drunk and spotted by a local police officer, you could be charged with cycling under the influence.

Most cases of cycling under the influence appear in court because the person on the bike had the bad judgment to try riding their bike on a local highway, something you can’t do even if you are sober. The reason is that it’s simply too dangerous. One moment of inattention or a single bad judgment call and you could find yourself in the middle of a serious accident.

Once again, the concern is that you’ll do something that will result in an accident. Biking erratically, weaving, or trying to bike down the middle of the road will alert an officer to the fact that you’re under the influence.

While being charged with biking under the influence isn’t fun, it’s not as bad as getting a DUI. As long as you didn’t cause an accident, you won’t have to serve any jail time. The maximum sentence is a $250 fine.

While you won’t serve jail time, this is a misdemeanor offense, not an infraction, so it could turn up on a background check. In addition to being charged with cycling under the influence, there’s also a good chance that you’ll also face a public intoxication charge.

The fact that you can be charged with cycling under the influence is another reason why you should either have a designated driver or decide to stay home whenever you feel an urge to get drunk and have a good time.


Camping Safety Tips

Camping is a great way to enjoy both the fantastic summer weather and the breathtaking beauty nature has to offer. The great thing about camping is that it’s also affordable and usually something you can do at the spur of the moment.

The key to getting the maximum amount of enjoyment out of your camping adventure is making sure you are conscious the entire time you’re camping.

Be Knowledgeable About Basic First Aid

It doesn’t matter how careful you are, accidents do happen and anytime there’s an accident, there’s a risk of an injury. Before you embark on a camping adventure, set aside some time to acquaint yourself with basic first aid. Make sure you know how to tie a tourniquet to slow bleed, how to apply a pressure bandage, and how to manage a sprain.

While you’re learning how to treat common camping injuries, you should also learn how to identify and manage things like allergic reactions, head injuries, hypothermia, and heatstroke.

Knowing how to deal with a camping health crisis is great, but all that knowledge won’t do you any good if you don’t have the right supplies with you. Put together a first aid kit that has everything needed to deal with common camping injuries and make sure you have the kit with you at all times. Never go on a hike or boating adventure without your first aid kit.

Research the Area Where You’ll be Camping

Once you know where you’re going camping, take some time to familiarize yourself with the camping area. Know what dangers are in the area and learn the steps you can take to protect yourself. Most parks will let you know if there are plants, animals, and particular parts of the park you should avoid. If you learn that the park has bears, raccoons, and other forms of wildlife that have gotten comfortable with campers, take some time to make sure you have equipment that will protect your camping gear from these animals. You should also memorize the steps you should take if you find yourself in a face-to-face encounter with wildlife.

Pack a Dangerous Plants Book in Your Kit

You should always have a book that helps you identify dangerous plants that are native to the area where you’re camping. This book will not only help you identify which plants you shouldn’t touch but will also provide useful tips about what you should do if you accidentally brush against one. Knowing what types of dangerous plants are native to your campsite helps you determine what salves and lotions you should include in your first aid kit.

Make Sure you’re Equipment is in Good Repair

Before leaving on your camping trip, look over your equipment and make sure it’s in good repair. Having equipment that is in perfect working order not only makes your camping experience safer but also increases how much you enjoy your adventure.

Check-in With a Loved One

Always let someone know what your camping itinerary is and schedule regular check-ins. While this might seem like an inconvenience, knowing where to start searching for you if you don’t check-in can be a lifesaver if you fall and injure yourself so badly you can’t return to your campsite.

When it comes to camping safety, you can never be too cautious.


Parents Worry About Their Kids Way More Than You’d Think

As a parent, don’t you always have a concern for your children? Even if they are well behaved and honest, parents’ concern for their child continues to linger no matter what. It’s all part of being a parent.

It’s important to always be reminded that any trouble your kid gets into, you as a parent can be held responsible and liable. You may need to pay fines and fees – fees for educational programs required by court, legal fees, and others. To avoid this stress and pain, keep an eye on your child whenever you can, but do not be too overbearing. A part of growing up for a child will include some rebellion, but if they can do this in ways that don’t include legal trouble, you’re golden. Take note of your parenting styles and how your child reacts – where do you need to loosen up? Where can you be more trusting?

No one expects them to be a perfect parent nor is there a perfect parenting guidebook to follow rule by rule. It’s going to be challenging, but it’s also going to be fun – until you get a call from the police (hopefully you don’t).

Now, if your child does get arrested, there is no need to call a bail bonds agency because minors are ineligible for bail (though they don’t stay in jail – they are still released back to the parents). However, if your child is 18 or older and calls you from jail because they indeed need bail help (they are now old enough) please do contact a bail bonds agency.

If you are in need of a bail bond don’t hesitate to call us for help. Memphis Bail Bonds will quickly reunite you back together simply call us at (615) 544 0000.


How Can We Get Rid of Bullying?

Bullying in schools and online is a very important issue and topic of conversation. Just ask anyone, and they will tell you that bullying needs to be eradicated. Unfortunately, since this conversation still exists, bullying is still a thing. This is despite everyone’s insistence that it should be dealt with. Often times, the problem is that kids just don’t see bullying the way adults do.

This means that it is up to the parents and school administrators to try and curb bullying. The parents can tackle the problem when their child is at home. Meanwhile, the school can deal with the issue when the child is on the campus. If both sides do their part and work with one another, then they can stand of chance of fixing the problem before it gets too out of hand.

What Is Bullying?

Bullying is any repeated act of aggressive behavior toward a specific individual. This aggressive and threatening behavior can happen in person or online.

The act bullying can take many forms, including:

  • Physical – This includes things such as hitting or pushing. It even includes threats of violence.
  • Verbal – This includes acts such as name calling and taunting.
  • Relationship – This includes refusing to interact with the victim or spreading rumors about the person.

Bullying can be very damaging to a person, especially children. Kids who are bullied are more likely to skip school, in order to avoid the bully, and are much more likely to develop mental health issues such as depression.

If parents want to keep their kids happy, healthy, and safe, then they need to work to help eradicate bullying.

Putting an end to bullying would be so much easier if kids actually talked to their parents about their problems, and if kids actually listened to everything that their parents tell them. Unfortunately, that is not how the world works.

How Can Parents of a Victim Help?

Kids often want to try to handling things themselves, or are too afraid to talk to their parents about a problem. This means it may be up to the parent to recognize that their child may be suffering from bullying and talk to him or her. Parents should always encourage their child to talk to them no matter what is going on. This means that the parent always has to be there for the child, even if the timing may not be convenient. So long as a parent does this, the child is more likely to open up when they have a problem.

A parent should not encourage their child to fight back against a bully. Most schools nowadays have zero tolerance policies toward violent behavior. Teaching a child to fight back against a bully might just lead to him or her being expelled. Instead, encourage the child to walk away and find a trusted adult to report the problem to.

It is also important to teach the child how to report the incident to an adult. If done incorrectly, the adult may just think the child is imply tattling, which won’t lead to any solutions.

In order to avoid this when reporting a bully to an adult, the child should:

  • Explain what the bully has done to make the child fearful or uncomfortable.
  • Say who the bully is.
  • List what the child has tried to do to get the bullying to stop.
  • An explanation of what the child wants the adult to do to make the bullying stop.

A parent can work with their child to help teach them the best ways to do this.

How Can Parents of the Bully Stop It?

It is one thing when a parent has a child that is being bullied, it is another thing when a parent’s child is the bully. First of all, identifying that a child might be a bully isn’t always easy.

A parent should look out for the following behavior in their child:

  • Is impulsive and gets angry quickly.
  • Hits or pushes others to take out aggression’s.
  • Hangs out with aggressive kids.
  • Fights frequently with siblings.
  • Doesn’t understand how actions might affect others.
  • Gets into trouble at school a lot.

If a parent sees a number of warning signs in their child, they may want to sit down and talk with him or her. The sooner this kind of bad behavior can be curbed, the better. Not only does it mean less people will get hurt by the behavior, but it also helps break it before it becomes an ingrained habit.

The next time the parent sees their child lashing out at someone, tell him or her to stop and if that fails, remove him or her from the situation. Then talk to the child about they could have handled that better. Help the child practice techniques to help control bad behavior, such as taking deep breaths and/or counting to ten.

Adults Need to Take Action

At the end of the day, kids are still learning about everything in the world around them. They need guidance from adults to teach them how to behave properly, without hurting others. Adults all need to take responsibility for the bullying problem. After all, everything kids learn, they learn from the people around them.

Adults need to put their best foot forward when kids are around and set a good example. They also need to sit down and talk with their kids when they exhibit bad behaviors. By doing both of these simple things, an adult is taking action against bullying.